Hey everyone!
Does your life just byte? Have you had one of those days for the past several weeks? Do you feel like the worm in the bottom of the tequila bottle? Or perhaps you feel like the freight train of misery just LOVES to ride on your track? This site is dedicated to all of us who, when they hear the phrase, "Misery loves Company," are constantly reminded of ourselves.
Does your life byte? If so, feel free to share your experience(s) among the rest of us miserable souls and perhaps by sharing our stories, we can find some silver lining in that thunderstorm we call life. We ensure complete anonymity (if you like) when sharing your story.
Send us your unfortunate event(s) at:
Email: email.mylifebytes@gmail.com
AIM: MyLifeBytes
Now, a little about myself.
Born and raised in Enterprise, AL (No Star Trek Jokes), this not-so-mild mannered 20-something guy decided to leave for the big city of "Birmingham, AL" (net population: 1 million) to attend college. While attending the University of Alabama At Birmingham (UAB), he has opened his eyes to the world beyond SmallTown, USA. A world filled with diversity, opinions, facts, myths, news, tech, and so much more.
Ok, so everyone buckle up, check for holes in your trusty umbrella, and tune in, because you're about to experience a whirlwind of turbulence of the disfunctional kind.